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1834 Campaign: Wake Forest Fund for the Student Experience

1834 Campaign: Wake Forest Fund for the Student Experience

20 Supporters
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Why Give?

The Wake Forest Fund for the Student Experience is intended to provide support for the co-curricular activities and programs that enhance the lives and learning of Wake Forest students. Your gift to the Student Experience will help support a wide variety of activities and opportunities for students outside of the classroom ranging from the Women's Center to Club Sports, from service-learning trips to Campus Ministries, and from Student Government to the Euzelian Society.


Show your pride in Wake Forest University and support the Wake Forest Fund for the Student Experience! By making your gift now, you help to support engaging, enlightening, and exciting student programing. There’s no Shag on the Mag if we don’t secure the bag.

Why Now?

Student gifts are a critical aspect of financial support for the University. Donate early in the campaign to make sure you don't miss any exclusive rewards or special events.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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